
Origin: Italy
Packaging: 20ml
Eucalyptus is considered ideal for treating the symptoms of colds as it soothes the cough, fluidizes the throats, relieves the fever and relieves the sore throat. It is also indicated in cases of sinusitis, bronchitis and pharyngitis, and has been shown to alleviate asthma attacks. In addition, it helps to fight muscle and joint pain, and is recommended in cases of rheumatism and arthritis. At the same time, its antiseptic properties make it active not only for inflammation of the urinary tract (eg cystitis) but also for the treatment of gingivitis. Japanese researchers have found that eucalyptus fights Streptococcus mutans, a germ responsible for caries. Eucalyptus oil also helps in healing wounds and light burns, but also in the treatment of eczema, as well as its disinfectant action, as it kills bacteria and germs directly and cleanses the atmosphere. Ideal for repelling insects. On a spiritual level, eucalyptus oil is used to increase self-concentration as its aroma activates specific neurons in the brain, triggering the secretion of pro-inflammatory hormones.